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Terms and conditions of use of Namalok Nature Reserve
- No dogs are permitted within The Nature Reserve.
- A strict speed limit of thirty kilometres per hour applies within The Nature Reserve.
- Visitors must remain on marked/cleared tracks, footpaths and nature trails, and must not access other areas or stray off these routes or open closed gateways.
- Visitors must remain at least three metres from water bodies (Crocodiles are found within The Nature Reserve).
- Fires may only be lit in the regularly used campfire places market by rings of large stones.
- Camping can only take place in the designated campsites.
- Loud noise is not tolerated, including generators or audio equipment.
- Illegal substances are prohibited within The Nature Reserve.
- Visitors must take ALL their waste out with them. Failure to do so will result in a fine of not less than TZS 50,000/=. The only waste that may be left behind is ash from wood fires at the designated campfire places or human biological waste, including toilet paper, buried (covered with soil) in a shallow hole in the earth.
- It is strictly forbidden to feed, or leave food for, any animals within the reserve.
- It is forbidden to attempt to approach on foot to within ten metres of any animals within the reserve.
- No consumptive use (capturing wildlife, hunting, fishing or harvesting of plant products) is allowed within The Nature Reserve without special written permit.
- A range of potential hazards are found within the Nature Reserve including dangerous fauna (including and not limited to: biting and stinging insects, poisonous snakes, scorpions, crocodile, leopard) and flora (including and not limited to: poisonous and thorny plants some of which may cause allergic reactions), deep water, uneven surfaces and farm machinery operating in the area. By entering The Nature Reserve you are acknowledging these Terms and Conditions and you are aware, and accept, the risks, hazards, and dangers of personal injury in entering The Nature Reserve.
- Part of The Nature Reserve may be declared out of bounds to all visitors to protect sensitive wildlife.
- If two groups are using The Nature Reserve each group may be asked to use part of The Nature Reserve to provide for exclusivity.
- Parents must not allow children play unattended at any time. Visitors agree not to act in any way which would cause disturbance to other visitors or wildlife.
- Visitors are required to report any wounded or dead animals noticed within The Nature Reserve to the Rangers.
- Duration of stay while camping is limited to four nights for private visitors and 14 days for commercial users.
- By booking and using the site you agree to be responsible for your children and any children you are in charge of, and your own welfare and to take all reasonable precautions against personal injury, injury to others and damage to the site and facilities. The site has numerous water bodies which are deep and contain soft mud and may contain crocodile.
- Anything you bring to The Nature Reserve, and any damage or loss to your possessions is at your own risk. You use the facilities and amenities within The Nature Reserve at your own risk. You must follow all instructions provided by The Nature Reserve staff at all times. The owners of The Nature Reserve accept no responsibility from any loss or injury arising from use of The Nature Reserve.
- You are responsible for your own well-being and comfort regarding appropriate clothing and footwear etc. In extreme weather conditions in The Nature Reserve, such as heat, heavy rainfall or flooding, existing and/or forecast, we do our best to warn visitors and give visitors the option to move dates (subject to availability) without being subject to the cancellation policy administration handling charge, or loss of any monies.
- Please be aware that although The Nature Reserve is fenced and patrolled, we cannot guarantee intruders are kept out. Overnight visitors are responsible for securing any valuables in their possession. The owners of The Nature Reserve cannot accept responsibility from any loss, damage, or expense arising from industrial action, terrorist activity, adverse weather conditions or any other event outside the control of the company.
- Be forewarned that mobile phone network coverage is week within much of The Nature Reserve.
Terms of use
Contract By making a booking; you are agreeing to be bound by the Terms and Conditions detailed here which form the basis of your contract with The Nature Reserve. In the Terms & Conditions set out here, “you” and “your” refers to all persons named on the booking, which includes any individual(s) subsequently added or substituted at a later date. “We”, “us” and “our” all refer to The Nature Reserve, known as The Namalok Nature Reserve in this document. Please retain a copy of these terms for your records.
Arrival and Departure
Visitors are required to book in advance to enter The Nature Reserve. Booking enquiries are to be made through the Planters Club at TPC Ltd Golf Club.
Club Phone: +255 687585489
Email: clubmanager@tpc.co.tz
While booking, visitors will be required to choose a time of arrival as a Ranger will need to be on hand to open the gate. Access will be through the Kumi L (10L) gate. Access to the Murram Pit (water birding) area will also need to be arranged with the Rangers as this area is fenced off from the rest of the reserve.
Any refusals to abide by these terms may result in a cancellation of your booking and loss of your deposit and/or total fee. Reckless or intentional disturbance of protective wildlife is also against the law. The Nature Reserve reserves the right to change its prices, and terms and conditions, without notice. We also reserve the right to refuse entry to the site, cancel bookings, or instruct people to leave The Nature Reserve, for any reason (for example due to inappropriate behaviour, dangerous weather or site conditions).
The booking process asks for your address details and phone numbers which are required to account for all people on site. It also allows us to contact you. We will not pass on or sell your details to any third parties.
You must contact The Club Manger to cancel or amend your booking.
Please note that any deposit payments taken are non-refundable.
Booking Amendments
Should you wish to amend the date of your booking we require at least 14 days notice prior to your arrival date. We will try to accommodate your first date change free of charge.
Cancellations and changes made by The Nature Reserve
In the unlikely event that we are unable to accommodate a confirmed reservation it may be necessary to offer an alternative. If at any time we need to make changes that will significantly affect your stay or we need to cancel your stay, we will tell you as soon as possible, offering a suitable alternative or a refund. This does not apply to minor changes or events during your stay, resulting from unusual or unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control. We cannot be held responsible for cancelling your booking as a result of your failure to comply with any requirement of our Booking Terms & Conditions, and we cannot be held liable for any expenses, costs or losses incurred by you as a result of any change or cancellation.
If a guest or a member of your party behaves in a way that causes or is likely to cause danger, upset or distress to a third party or to the wildlife or guest property, we are entitled, without prior notice, to curtail the stay and request that the person(s) concerned to leave The Nature Reserve. No refunds or return travel arrangements will be made and we will not pay any expenses or costs incurred as a result of such a curtailment.
Circumstances beyond our control
We cannot accept responsibility for unforeseen circumstances beyond our control. These include (but are not limited to) adverse weather conditions, fire, riot, war, terrorist activity (or threat of such activity), industrial dispute, natural disaster, or injuries and death of an individual(s) through accidental circumstances unconnected with The Nature Reserve.
By making a booking you are accepting responsibility for any damage or loss caused by yourself or a member of your party. Full payment for any such damage or loss must be paid to The Nature Reserve. If you fail to do so, you will be responsible for meeting any claims subsequently made (together with our own and the other party’s full legal costs) as a result of your actions.
Additional requests
All additional or special requests are subject to availability and we cannot guarantee the provision for special requests. Any additional requests should be made prior to your arrival, giving reasonable advance notice.
Additional visitors: The property booked is only permitted to be used by the number of visitors agreed on booking. If additional visitors use the property The Nature Reserve reserves the right to make a charge. No additional people should visit the property even for the day time without the explicit written agreement of The Nature Reserve. If agreed the hirer should be aware that in some situations charges may apply.
Commercial Bookings
Only bookings for personal purposes i.e. private travel leisure and tourism, are permitted to be made under these terms and conditions. If the booking is for commercial or for profit making reasons, the booking will be subject to separate fees and terms and conditions. You are required to inform The Nature Reserve and receive commercial hire terms. Commercial hire may include but is not limited to: filming or photography for commercial purposes, hire of the space for a commercial event such as hire of the space by a company or organisation for work related purposes, including commercial leisure travel, corporate entertaining, incentive trips.
Third party suppliers
Your visit may include services supplied by third parties (for example bush dinner provided). Such third party suppliers will usually have their own set of Terms and Conditions relating to the services they provide. You should consult the Terms and Conditions of any third party before making a booking.
The Nature Reserve limits access by private visitors to two groups of no more than eight individuals, or one group of no more than sixteen individuals at any time. Commercial users have exclusive use of the entire reserve, however both commercial users and private visitors must be aware that some employees of the owners of The Nature Reserve have access to The Nature Reserve. However these persons shall be required to not disturb visitors.
It is your responsibility to ensure that any insurance cover you have provides adequate cover for your needs and for the duration of your stay. We recommend taking out travel insurance to cover your stay.